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Results 1 - 10 of 259 (page 1 of 26)
101 freaky animals / by Melvin + Gilda Berger.
Top 10 countdowns of the biggest, baddest & loudest / written by Susan Ring and Neil Sims ; edited by Don L. Curry.
First big book of animals / by Catherine D. Hughes.
Animals around the world / [written by Samantha Gray, Simon Holland, Anna Lofthouse, Lorrie Mack, Caroline Stamps, Fleur Star, Sarah Walker, Penelope York ; edited by Caroline Stamps].
Going wild: amazing animal adventures around the world. / Brian Keating.
Curious critters / text and photography by David FitzSimmons.
I spy with my little eye / Edward Gibbs.
Curious critters. Volume two  text and photography by David FitzSimmons.
Polar animals / A Nonfiction Companion to the Original Magic School Bus Series text by Cynthia O'Brien ; illustrations by Carolyn Bracken.
Animals uncovered : the inside view of living creatures / by Steve Parker.

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